Archive for the ‘Xbox 360, Xbox One’ Category

Weekly News Roundup (24 April 2016)

Sunday, April 24th, 2016

Hello again! It has gotten unseasonably cold here in Melbourne, and it has given me just the motivation I need to make sure I write up this WNR as quickly as possible – so I can quickly finish, get under a blanket with a warm drink, and watch The Force Awakens again on Blu-ray. Oh yes!

But there’s just one obstacle to my nerdish plans – there’s actually quite a lot of news to go through this week. Oh no!


The Expendables 3

The Expendables 3 does badly at the box office. One ‘Expendables’ movie too many, too much competition due to other blockbusters, or pre-release piracy to blame?

Starting with the copyright news as we have always done, Hollywood mogul Avi Lerner, the producer behind The Expendables franchise, has come out firing on all cylinders on what he perceives to be the lack of action to tackle online piracy. The target of his tirade? President Obama and Congress, for being too scared to take on Google.

Lerner is particularly angry about online piracy because he believes a pre-release leak of The Expendables 3 may have taken as much as $250 million away from the film’s actual $209 million global box office take. This means that according to Lerner, The Expendables 3 would have made $459 million at the box office without the pre-release leak. But the thing is that the previous film in the series, which was better received by critics, only made a combined total of $312 million (without any piracy intervention). To me, the third film’s $209 million makes sense given the movie’s poor reception, which according to the film’s star, may have more to do with ratings than downloads.

Most controversially, Lerner says that not only should people who help to pirate movies go to jail, even those that aren’t actively helping to stop piracy (like Google, I presume) should be punished in some way. So I’m guessing that removing 91 million links monthly and demoting piracy sites is apparently not considered to be “helping” by Lerner.

High Definition

Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens Blu-ray

The Force Awakens breaks more records, this time on Blu-ray

I’ve made it pretty clear I like The Force Awakens and enjoyed watching it on Blu-ray. It seems I wasn’t alone, as not content in breaking many box office records, the latest film in the Star Wars saga has also broken a few Blu-ray records. It helped Blu-ray sales better that of DVD’s for the first time ever (59% of disc sales belong to Blu-ray for the week in which The Force Awakens was released – the previous record was 48%), and an astonishing 82% of buyers chose to buy the Blu-ray edition of the film over the DVD-only edition (it’s normally under 70% for most new releases).

Some will note that the DVD-only edition was a bare bones edition without any special features, and that the Blu-ray edition does include the DVD edition of the film (in such a combo retail package, these sales count towards Blu-ray), but these records still took a long time to be broken. Note that the most successful Blu-ray of all time is another Disney title, ‘Frozen’ – could The Force Awakens break one more record?

Also interesting to note is that Disney chose not to release a 3D edition of the film, let alone a 4K Ultra HD version. This possibly hints at more double dipping later on, perhaps a new edition that includes more than just a couple of minutes of deleted scenes.

Disney has yet to really commit to Ultra HD Blu-ray, and only it and, surprisingly, Sony have yet to announce their release slate following Universal’s announcement this week. Universal’s first Ultra HD discs, to be released sometime in the U.S. summer, will be ‘Everest’, ‘Lucy’ and ‘Lone Survivor’, and the new releases to receive the 4K treatment will include ‘The Huntsman: Winter’s War’ and the as yet unreleased ‘Jason Bourne’ and ‘Warcraft’ movies. Perhaps not the most exciting line-up ever considering all the films that Universal have access to, and definitely not as exciting as The Force Awakens, which is the kind of title that benefits most from a 4K treatment and would boost the format to no end if it becomes available.


Metal Gear Solid V PS4

PS4.5, PS4K, or PS4 NEO – whatever you call it, the upgraded PS4 appears to be real

There’s something a lot more concrete to the rumors of a new “super” PS4, including a codename of the so far still unofficial console upgrade. The PS4 “NEO” will have a better CPU, GPU and faster RAM – not quite next-gen, but enough to make 4K gaming a reality.

As for how Sony will reconcile having two vastly different PS4 SKUs, the company has informed developers of several restrictions to how they can release games in the future. First of all, all games have to work on the older standard PS4s, but they are allowed to have a “NEO Mode” that includes support for better graphics. Games in “NEO Mode” have to have the same or better framerate than games in standard mode, even if the games are running at 4K (and games also have to be at least 1080p). Things like save games and online modes have to be shareable and compatible between the two modes.

What isn’t so clear right now is whether the included Blu-ray drive will be upgraded to one that can read Ultra HD Blu-ray discs. It seems like the perfect opportunity to add UHD Blu-ray playback to the PS4, but it all depends on how costly it would be to add the drive, and more importantly, how costly it will be to obtain the licensing needed to allow UHD Blu-ray playback.

Xbox 360 - Red Rings of Death

The Xbox 360 wasn’t always a success …

Microsoft may be working on their own upgraded Xbox One too, which FCC filings (and the Brazilian equivalent) pointing to at least two more SKUs. Interestingly, there’s information to suggest that all will be revealed at E3, but whether these proves to be the elusive Xbox One.Point.Five, or just a minor SKU refresh, we’ll have to wait and see.

What we won’t wait to find out is the fate of the Xbox 360, which this week Microsoft announced the end of production for. It’s been an incredibly successful decade for the 360, which didn’t start well (remember the RRoD?), but ended very strongly. With the Xbox One now having backwards compatibility, I guess Microsoft has decided the time was right to send the old beige, and eventually black box into retirement.

Rest well, 360, you deserve it.


So that’s it for the week. Not a minute too soon either, as I’m freezing my appendages off here. See you next week, when hopefully it’s a bit warmer.

Weekly News Roundup (20 March 2016)

Sunday, March 20th, 2016

Hello again! I’ll try to keep this one nice and short, despite there being actually quite a bit of news this week. I just had a sneaking suspicion that you’re not in the mood for reading a whole bunch, that and the fact that I’m not in the mood for writing too much either.

Being lazy and not feeling guilty about it has its perks!


Australia's Internet Filter

Australian Internet filtering about to start … only if the legal stuff can be sorted out first

We first step onto the continent of Australia, where the powers that be (ie. Hollywood) have finally decided to do something about the Pirate Bay problem. And by doing something, it of course means site blocking. But before the blocking can happen, the rights-holders have to get a court order, and things are not very straight forward for them due to the laws we have here (laws that were only recently changed to allow site blocking). You can read the whole piece for details as to why site blocking is kind of tricky to get started here. But a difficult process is what’s needed, as censorship is not something that should be taken lightly, even when it relates to something as obvious as The Pirate Bay.

From one lawsuit to another, this time from the other side of the world. When the sister company of Warner and Intel and the company responsible for managing the HDCP copy protection system found in HDMI/DP connections sued Chinese HDMI/DP splitter/conversion maker LegendSky, it might have seemed a rather straight forward case. After all, one of LegendSky’s latest devices may have been responsible for the spate of 4K rips that hit the torrent scene last year, from sources that had been protected using the latest and most secure version of HDCP.

HDMI Connector

When is a HDCP stripper not a HDCP stripper?

But it appears LegendSky’s devices doesn’t actually strip the new version of HDCP at all from sources like Netflix 4K streams and Ultra HD Blu-ray. Instead, it converts the new, hard to crack version to an older version that has already been cracked – and the conversion is legal (and used to maintain legacy compatibility).  This, LegendSky says, means DCP’s original lawsuit is flawed and based on the wrong assertions, and that it should be dismissed by the judge immediately. Bold words. Fighting words, which means this straight forward lawsuit has just become anything but straight forward.

Speaking of Netflix rips, the streaming giant has done the unthinkable – it has joined the Google DMCA filing game, submitting 71,861 links for removal. Netflix, using the services of the anti-piracy outfit Vobile, wants streaming and download links to shows like Sense8, House of Cards taken down. This marks a drastic change of direction for Netflix, who, up until now, had maintained a relaxed attitude towards piracy. In fact, CEO Reed Hastings even admitted that piracy sometimes “creates the demand” for the streaming network’s own original programming.


Microsoft has just dropped the price of the Xbox One again, this time to $299. The price drop is only temporary, but based on history, it might turn into a permanent one if sales respond in the expected manner. It’s the best weapon in Microsoft’s arsenal in their bitter battle with the PS4, and truth be told, it’s probably the most effective weapon anyway. It will be interesting to see if Sony responds, but given their sales lead and momentum, they probably don’t even need to.


So that’s it then for the week. Not too long as promised, but still full of tasty goodness as always, erm, or something. See you next week.

Weekly News Roundup (13 March 2016)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

Another short one this week, as it has been a pretty boring week in terms of news. I guess this is a kind of birthday present to me, to give me a little breather the week before. So thanks to the MPAA, pirates, the Blu-ray people and game console companies for not making any big splashes – if you can keep it up for another week, that would be much appreciated!

Here’s the news that we did get ….


MovieSwap Media Player

MovieSwap is a Kickstarter that wants to help you rip DVDs and share it with other people … the MPAA are not pleased

A new Kickstarter aims to take DVD lending and swapping to the next level, but unfortunately, it may be a level that’s swarming with MPAA lawyers and an end boss that’s impossible to defeat. MovieSwap wants you to send in your old DVDs, and for every DVD you send in, you’re able to swap it for another DVD send in by another user. Except the physical DVD stays with MovieSwap, and its the ripped, digital version they you’ll be swapping around.

DVDs can only be “lent out” one at a time, just like with a real swap, but being digital, the movie can be watched on a variety of devices.

If you’ve read this blog for some time, you’ll already know why this innovative idea will simply never work. Not because there are technical problem with it (there might be, as it seems there might be an imbalance between the number of available copies of DVDs people want and the DVDs they actually send in), but there definitely seems to be some legal clouds over the idea behind the service. Clouds, or perhaps a category 5 cyclone.

The MPAA won’t like the ripping part, that’s a given. Remember Kaleidescape and when they tried to rip DVDs for use on a local media server (not shared with anyone but the DVD’s owner), and how they got slapped legally for it? And while this replicates the idea of personal lending in the digital space, this kind of replication has never been viewed upon favourably, not by the rightsholders nor by the legal system (see Aereo and their replication of how DVRs work). Then there’s the small problem of the MPAA not getting even a small cut of the profits.

The problem for me is that MovieSwap doesn’t just replicate how DVD swapping works – it improves it by way too much. In real life, I would never be able to swap movies with a total stranger from anywhere in the world (and it might be weeks before I get my DVD back in real life). It’s DVD lending on steroids, and the net effect will be that people will spend less money to watch more movies, with money they would have otherwise given the the MPAA studios going into MovieSwap’s pockets instead via the monthly subscription fee.

It’s easy to see why the MPAA won’t like this, not one bit.


PC Build - Innards

This is not what Phil Spencer meant by upgradeable Xbox Ones

A clarification from Phil Spencer about “upgradeable” Xbox Ones – they won’t be. When Spencer originally talked about upgrading the Xbox One hardware, some assumed it meant making the Xbox One more like PCs, with parts you can buy the upgrade the innards. Or at the very least, making the Xbox One more modular so you can plug in add-on hardware to make it more powerful. I for one always thought he meant just a new SKU with a beefier version of the Xbox One, that was still compatible with all existing Xbox One games, but had better graphics (it’s similar to the idea Sony has for a Super PS4).

Whatever the case is, you won’t be needing a “screwdriver set”, according to Spencer.

As it’s a pretty light news week, I might just update you again on the state of video game sales in the US for Februaryu, in which the PS4 outsold the Xbox One again, just like it did in January, December, November … or until whatever it was the last time I remembered to write about NPD results here (hard to find anything to write about when it’s the same every month). As per usual, Microsoft talked up the fact that sales are way up compared to a year ago, which may mean the gap between the two consoles is closing.


So that’s that then. See you next week, when I’ll be a year older but most definitely not wiser!

Weekly News Roundup (6 March 2016)

Sunday, March 6th, 2016

Long time no see, hope you’ve been well. Sorry for the major gap between this and the last WNR, but a mini vacation and the vacation I needed afterwards to recover from the original vacation meant that there wasn’t much time to write anything. On the other than, it meant that we skip to my joint-favourite month of the year, March – my birth month!

I’m still digging myself out of the mountain of work sitting on my virtual desk, so I’ll try to keep this WNR brief and to the point, and cover all the stories since the last WNR (even if some of them are a bit too old – like I will be in a couple of days, *cries*).



Has Denuvo been cracked?

Starting with copyright news as usual, the saviour of the PC gaming industry may not be the panacea first thought, as the Denuvo anti-tampering technology may have been cracked. Chinese cracking group 3DM has claimed responsibility, only weeks after the group announced a hiatus from cracking activities, to allow the PC gaming market to recover. Most didn’t believe the group’s reason for the hiatus, and instead, many thought the group had given up only because Denuvo had proven too hard to crack. To quiet the raucous crowd, and to disprove this theory, 3DM instead announced a temporary return to cracking, to crack the Denuvo protection on popular games including ‘Tomb Raider: The Rise’.

But since that announcement, no concrete crack has actually emerged, so take that announcement with a pinch of salt if you must (I guess this is one of advantages of addressing a news story with an added delay).

Another story from a couple of weeks ago, Kodi announced a crackdown on piracy related add-ons in a bid to distance the open source software home theater from all things illegal. It’s kind of what BitTorrent Inc has been trying to do, with limited success, but it’s always hard to separate the technology from how people choose to use it (remember that once upon a time Usenet had nothing to with piracy, while FTP was synonymous with it at one point). But what Kodi hates the most are those piracy media box sellers that somehow tries to present their products as something officially to do with Kodi, usually the same sellers that offer no support when these boxes eventually fail to work.


Slysoft is dead, but RedFox lives on …

Cut to more recent times, the future of Blu-ray ripping may be in doubt, as new legal pressures, and new technology advances means two of the top ripping tool makers have called it quits. Well to be precise, one has called it quits, while the other has given up on ripping Ultra HD Blu-ray before they’ve even started trying. Slysoft suddenly closed shop, shut down their site with only a short statement citing recent “regulatory requirements” as the reason for the closure. Those that purchased AnyDVD can still use it to rip older Blu-rays and DVDs, but new discs that require access to the updated online database to be ripped will no longer be supported. Since the original story was published, a new company called RedFox based in Belize has taken over the development of AnyDVD, and the official Slysoft forum, suggesting that AnyDVD may be resurrected (assuming the new company doesn’t get sued into submission before then).

In a separate piece of news, DVDFab, who have suffered their own legal troubles recently, announced they will not be working on ways to rip Ultra HD Blu-ray. DVDFab’s announcement seems to indicate legal pressure, rather than technical issues, as the cause for the lack of support for the new disc format. That’s not to say there aren’t technical difficulties related to ripping the new ultra HD discs, which use the updated 2.0 version of AACS. As part of the new protection, some discs will need to download the decryption key from the Internet, making it a bit harder (but probably not impossible) for software like DVDFab to find a way in.

High Definition

Panasonic 3DTV and 3D Blu-ray Player

3DTVs may be a dying breed, as Samsung announces their new 2016 TVs won’t support it

Speaking of futures in doubt, the future of 3D is also under a cloud, and not one of those 3D clouds that you can fly through in one of those over the top out of place “made for 3D” scenes you find in all movies these days. While 3D movies will still be a big thing at movie theaters, in the home, it may be a different matter as Samsung (and Philips) will be removing 3D support from their 2016 TVs, while LG is rumoured to be cutting back on the number of models that support 3D.

Samsung and Philips cite the lack of consumer interest in the technology, and the ever dwindling number of must-have 3D titles, while Samsung says they want to concentrate on new technologies such as Ultra HD.

Those following our weekly Blu-ray sales analysis shouldn’t be too surprised by this, as there can be weeks at a time that goes by without single noteworthy Blu-ray 3D release (by noteworthy, I mean one that gets in the top 20 in terms of sales). With the Ultra HD Blu-ray specs not even including 3D support for UHD content, it definitely doesn’t look good for 3D in the home.


With the Xbox One failing to beat the PS4, Microsoft thinks their next winning strategy would be to fuse their Windows and Xbox gaming platforms, thus increasing market share without having to unseat Sony. Part of this plan involves Universal Windows Platform, which allows developers to make games using a single platform that can be easily ported to Windows and the Xbox One. There was some initial backlash from developers fearing Microsoft was trying to monopolise the PC gaming market, and forcing PC game developers to work within Microsoft’s framework, even if they don’t want to publish games on Xbox. Some also fear that Microsoft will force developers to use their games store to publish games,. Microsoft has since allayed their fears by saying the platform will be fully open, and won’t be tied to a particular store.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer also hinted that a souped up Xbox One may be available at some time, echoing Sony’s earlier calls for a “Super PS4”. Spencer says consoles are at a disadvantage compared to PCs, whose hardware are constantly being upgraded, while the console upgrade cycle can mean seven years between any meaningful upgrades. So a Xbox One.5 might give players better graphics, while the same game would still work on older Xbox One’s (but with downgraded graphics, I assume). This would also give Microsoft an extra chance to bring out a console that’s better than the PS4 (or the Super PS4), instead of having to wait another four and a half years for the chance.


You definitely won’t have to wait four and a half years for the next edition of the WNR though, since things are finally back to normal around here (well, it will be once I climb to the top of the pile of work I’m buried under). See you next week.

Weekly News Roundup (7 February 2016)

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

Happy Chinese New Year! It’s the year of the Monkey, so those born 12, 24, 36 … hope you can spot the pattern … years ago should seriously consider wearing something red every single day to avoid bad luck. Me? I’ve stockpiled on red underwear during the holiday sales, so I’m all good!

No go on part one of the PC build guide – just too much going on this week in terms of news, which we’ll get to in a minute.

Maybe not even a minute, because here’s the news …


PayPal Logo

PayPal doing the dirty work of the MPAA, bans VPN provider UnoTelly

Trigger happy PayPal has another target, this time it’s VPN/SmartDNS providers. UnoTelly was the unfortunate first victim in PayPal’s potential purge of geo-dodging service providers, possibly due to pressure from Hollywood. Once again, PayPal disappoints in caving to almost no pressure at all, having previously banned file hosting providers, torrent search engines, or anything that rights-holders don’t like.

The worst thing about this ban is that it isn’t very clear at all that geo-dodging, while definitely against the user agreements of services like Netflix, is considered copyright infringement. In fact, it’s considered legal here in Australia (as specifically confirmed by our current prime minister). Plus, VPNs have all sorts of non geo-dodging uses, including enhanced security for when you’re using public Wi-Fi, so I’m not sure if PayPal’s actions can be defended if companies like UnoTelly do challenge it (which they probably won’t).

We’ll have to wait and see if this is just an isolated incidence, or part of a wider campaign to clamp-down on geo-dodging (which could extend to other payment providers, including credit card companies). It’s quite disconcerting to known that major corporations can make deals like this to bring entire industries to their knees, all the while bypassing the legal process that’s designed to protect all parties involved.

Speaking of bypassing the legal process, the MPAA has apparently reached an private agreement with the operators of Popcorn Time, and this week Hollywood’s copyright lobby took over the domain name. Technically, the MPAA did not bypass the legal process, as it had launched a lawsuit against the operators – a lawsuit that has now been settled, so this one is still better than PayPal’s unilateral bannings.

High Definition

Dolby Vision HDR

HDR, like Dolby Vision, is where the big leap in picture quality is going to come from

I expect a lot of the focus this year to be on 4K, with the technology all but ready to be mainstream in 2016. But while I like the fact that the admission price into the world of 4K is quite low these days, I do worry that people aren’t getting the best out of it. While the increased resolution should be somewhat noticeable even if you don’t have a mega-sized TV (think of it as down-scaling or anti-aliasing), it’s things like increased colour gamuts and HDR that should give the biggest visual punch for upgraders – and you probably won’t get that from a budget 4K TV.

Netflix also agrees that the biggest thing about 4K isn’t 4K, but HDR and improved colours, and the company is doing its bid to make the content available. Netflix predicts that 5% of its content will be HDR enabled by the end of this year (and 20% by 2019), and it’s already shooting its Original shows in HDR whenever possible.

The problem now though is that we do have a format war brewing between two different HDR standards – Dolby’s Dolby Vision and HDR 10. Hopefully, most TV manufacturers, like Netflix, will choose to support both. Ultra HD Blu-ray officially supports HDR 10, but also offers “possible” support for Dolby Vision which will depend on manufacturers.

In related HDR news, Samsung’s first Ultra HD player, the UBD-K8500, is already available to buy, a little bit earlier than expected. The player apparently does not support Dolby Vision, but I’m hoping something could come along via a firmware update to fix this. Meanwhile, despite being the major backers of Blu-ray, Sony is adopting a wait and see attitude towards Ultra HD Blu-ray, preferring to not release its UHD BD player until 2017 (at the latest). Sony cites strong competition from 4K streaming, and the lack of slated Ultra HD releases in 2016, as reasons for the delay, worries that apparently aren’t on Samsung, Panasonic and Philips’s radars.


Xbox One Halo 5 Edition

Xbox One selling only half as many as the PS4, according to EA

Just how far behind the PS4 is the Xbox One? That’s the question that everyone is asking, but Microsoft, the only ones that have the actual data to answer the question, is remaining pretty quiet on the issue. Except they’re actually not the only ones that can answer the question – apparently, EA can do too, and they have. EA’s boss has accidentally leaked the Xbox One sales data, and it shows Sony’s PS4 is outselling the Xbox One by almost a 2-to-1 margin.

Despite this, Microsoft says they’re still happy with the sales results so far because it’s still better than the Xbox 360 at the same point in time. However, the Xbox 360 became stronger after the slim update, and then subsequently became the best selling home console for a long while – for the Xbox One to be as successful, it too needs something like this to happen. But I doubt it will happen though – the PS4 is just too strong.


That’s it for the week. Hope you had fun reading. See you next Chinese year!