Archive for April, 2014

Weekly News Roundup (27 April 2014)

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

Welcome to another WNR. I usually write this intro after I finish writing the rest of the article, and I’ve just realised all of this week’s stories are about giving people what they want (or not giving them what they want). Unsated demand creates services like Popcorn Time, and this week, Zona. It also forces people to use VPNs to access US online services like Hulu Plus. And Nintendo failed to take into account what people wanted when they designed the Wii U. Give people what they want. It’s not that hard!



Zona: Combining the best of Netflix, Hulu Plus, HBO Go, Spotify and many others into a killer piracy tool

Last month we had Popcorn Time. This month, it’s all about the Zona. If Popcorn Time as the Netflix of piracy, then think of Zona as Netflix combined with Hulu Plus, with a dash of HBO Go, stir in Spotify and you’re about half way there to what the new pirated streaming and download tool Zona is all about. There’s also live TV and sports streaming, millions of music tracks and streaming radio. And even porn! There’s also Android support, and DLNA streaming to enabled TVs.

With a super slick interface, and features that you can’t even get on Netflix, tools like Zona might just give Hollywood and the music industry something new to keep them awake at night. The greatest barrier to mass adoption of piracy has always been the technical hurdles, but if tools like Zona can make streaming and downloading easier than using iTunes, then it’s likely to reach a whole new group of users. It’s the MPAA and RIAA’s worst nightmare, and what was always going to happen due to the arms race they’ve been building against the pirates. Actually I take the last statement back, because the MPAA/RIAA’s worst nightmare would be a tool like Zona, but totally decentralized and anonymous. No one to sue? Scary!

No doubt the likes of the MPAA, RIAA and the law enforcement friends are ready to dial up the pressure. But the Russian based Zona might just find itself in a fortunate position, what with Russia unlikely to be very receptive of US demands at the moment, whether it’s the situation in the Ukraine, or copyright stuff.


Oh crap! How else am I gonna get my fix of the excellent Review show now that Hulu has started banning VPN access. They’ve not yet made a move against DNS geo-unblockers like the one I’m using, but it may simply be a matter of time.

Obviously Hulu are under pressure from rights holders (well, I mean they’re owned by rights holders too) to stop overseas viewers from accessing the delicious new release goodness, but it appears the network ban has also blocked US subscribers using VPNs for piracy purposes. Collateral damage, I guess.

I’m sure an eventual workaround will be invented to allow people like me a taste of what those lucky enough to be in the US take for granted, or even better, if they don’t ban DNS geo-unblockers at all.

It’s all about greed though. Greedy studios looking to extract as much money as possible (but unable to do so in their most competitive markets) overcharge people overseas or deny them speedy access to content. Then when people go out of their way to try and pay for more affordable content, studios aren’t happy about that either (because in their mind, if 100,000 people in Australia are paying Hulu $7.99 per month instead of $79.99 per month for overpriced local services, then that’s $7.2 million they’re “losing” every month). Except by denying them the cheaper services, people won’t just fork over the cash for the overpriced ones – they’re just flock to piracy (see Game of Thrones and Australia). It’s a lose lose for everyone, but it’s the direction that content holders are always taking.

So. Hulu VPN banning: I give it half a star (because I cannot give it zero stars).


Last week I asked if the Xbox One was in trouble. Not “Wii U” trouble I said, but trouble as in losing their dominance on the U.S. video games market. This week, I shall expand upon what exactly I meant by “Wii U trouble”, and it does not make good reading for Nintendo and fans of their consoles.

Just how much trouble is the Wii U in? To say that it’s not selling as well as the Wii is probably the understatement of the decade, but that was to be expected – the Wii was a freak of nature, a one off perfect storm of the motion and casual gaming crazes, taking advantage the then current situation where you had the overpriced PS3 (at that time), and the noisy and unreliable (at that time, too) Xbox 360. So if I told you that the Wii sold ten (10!) times as many units as the Wii U during the second March for both consoles (having both being released in November a year and a half prior), that’s probably not too surprising.

Wii U Boxes

Wii U sales trail the GameCube at the same stage of their sales cycles

But if I were to tell you that the much maligned GameCube was more than twice as popular as the Wii U, again during its second March (and again, after a November release from the year before the last), it does provide some perspective as to just how much trouble the Wii U is in.

In their second Marches, the Wii sold 721,000 units and the GameCube managed 165,000. The Wii U has just managed 70,000.

It’s interesting to note that the Sega Dreamcast was cancelled at the end of its second March, having sold more units during its limited lifetime than the Wii U during a similar time frame. The Dreamcast’s cancellation had more to do with Sega’s financial woes, not something Nintendo has to worry about, so there’s no suggestion that Nintendo will cancel the Wii U. What might happen is that a new console will be brought out to try and get Nintendo out of this hole, and much sooner than expected. A console that could compete on price and performance with the Xbox One and PS4, perhaps, with Nintendo’s own special touches. Or Nintendo could keep on digging and hope for the best.

I know which I’d choose.


That’s it for this week. Hope you’ve enjoyed this WNR, see you in seven days!

Weekly News Roundup (20 April 2014)

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

Happy Easter! May you have success hunting for the chocolate flavored seeds of a perculiar non-mamalian species of Lepus curpaeums. Another slow week, I guess Easter had something to do with it.

So let’s get on with it then.


BitTorrent Logo

BitTorrent Inc under attack from “copyright monetization” firm Rightscorp

Not content with the goodwill garnered from threatening downloaders with lawsuits in order to extract “pre-trial settlement” fees, “copyright monetization” firm Rightscorp has again made headlines this week against after its COO Robert Steele launched a broadside at BitTorrent Inc. No, not the BitTorrent network and its piracy connections, but the company that invented the network, and also publishes the uTorrent client.

In a Facebook rant, Steele accused BitTorrent Inc of “driving and facilitating piracy” and says the company is profiting from piracy in the same way the now defunct Limewire and Napster were. Strangely, Steele also attacked the decentralized architecture of BitTorrent, in particular the use of trackers, which he says was a way for BitTorrent Inc to avoid the kind of legal trouble that came out of LimeWire and Napster’s centralized systems.

Of course, it’s BitTorrent’s decentralized and public trackers that allows companies like Steele’s own Rightscorp to make their money, money they could not make if piracy also did not exist on BitTorrent networks. Sounds like to be me they should be thanking BitTorrent Inc and the file transfer protocol they invented.

And that’s what BitTorrent is – a file transfer protocol not unlike FTP or HTTP. The latter two can also be used for piracy, and they are (and FTP was certain the pirate’s choice back in the early days of the ‘net’). But uTorrent is really just a client for this protocol, not unlike the Chrome browser for HTTP and FileZilla for FTP. People download heaps of pirated stuff via Chrome every day, all un-monitored by the way by companies like Rightscorp, so where’s the outrage?

I’ll be the devil’s advocate for a second and make the argument that the proportion of legal data transfer via uTorrent is a lot lower than the proportion of legal data transfer for Chrome or FileZilla, and that despite there being tons of legal stuff available on BitTorrent networks, most people use it to download pirated content. But at the end of the day, BitTorrent just an unsexy file transfer protocol, and it’s silly to be so emotionally charged at something so boring, especially if you’re making money off people using it in the wrong way.

So it’s probably not great timing for BitTorrent Inc that another big piracy story of the week was Game of Thrones breaking yet another BitTorrent downloading record, with 193,000 simultaneous file sharers for one unique copy of the second episode of season 4. The previous record, set by last year’s season finale, was around 170,000. The second episode, which features the heavily anticipated “purple wedding”, also easily beat the season premier’s 140,000. Remember, these figures are only for the most active torrent, as usually there are dozens of different torrents for the same episode.

Australians were again the most enthusiastic downloaders, followed by the U.S., U.K., Canada and The Netherlands. The high price of watching the show legally here in Australia not only makes it not affordable for some, I think it also gives the rest (even those that can afford it) moral justification for pirating, whether rightfully or jofferily.


Is the Xbox One in trouble? Not in trouble as in “Wii U” trouble, but trouble as in Microsoft losing their grip on the only market in which their console is the dominant force? Titanfall was supposed to be the title that allowed the Xbox One to gain supremacy over the PS4, but while it was the best selling game for March, the PS4 still managed to retain its crown as the most popular console in the U.S for the month (according to the latest NPD figures). That’s three month in a row.

Xbox One Forza 5

Is the Xbox One in trouble? The early sales results seems to suggest so …

The U.S. was the only major market really where the Xbox 360 comprehensive beat the PS3. Worldwide, the situation was mostly the opposite. But after Microsoft’s DRM SNAFU and pricing stupidity cause by a bad case of force-Kinect-on-gamers-that-don’t-want-it-itis, the Xbox One looks like to have lost the N.A. market. It’s still very early, but the trend is pretty clear and the Xbox One will find it difficult to shake its image of being an inferior console that’s also $100 more expensive (even if the reality isn’t nearly as dramatic).

An early price cut could be a double edged sword though. It could get the Xbox One back into the game, but it could also reinforce the idea that the Xbox One is a bit of a loser, one that is struggling to fight off the all powerful PS4. I still vote for a price cut, mainly because it’s good for consumers and there’s nothing much else Microsoft could do at this time. If they could somehow get rid of Kinect and then lower the price to be $50-100 lower than the PS4, then that could be a game-changer. Because it’s still a very powerful game console that has a lot of great media features, and one that will get all the good games and then some, let’s not forget.

As for the other consoles, the Wii U is still struggling at around 70,000 units sold, behind the Xbox 360’s 111K. The last-gen is falling away quite spectacularly sales wise, which is a lot to do with the perceived value of the new-gen consoles (which are a lot cheaper than equivalent models from the last gen this early in its life cycle). I think we’re still awaiting some must-have games before next-gen sales skyrocket – not necessarily exclusives, but games that really show off what the next-gen is all about.


That’s it for another rather short WNR. Have a Happy Easter, don’t eat too much chocolate, and see you in a week.

Weekly News Roundup (13 April 2014)

Sunday, April 13th, 2014

Oh Heartbleed, you stupid annoying thing. While none of Digital Digest’s servers used the vulnerable OpenSSL versions that is now responsible for the biggest IT crisis since the Y2K bug, you’d have to be a under-rock living Luddite to not have been affected by this horrendous bug, no matter how much you try to convince yourself that everything is still fine. The weird side effect is that people now generally know much more about OpenSSL and overflow bugs than they need to (and if you need a quick refresher, refer to xkcd).

There were other news too!


Game of Thrones: Season 4

A new season of GoT: More nudity, larger dragons, and more pirates (of the downloading variety)

The only thing more predictable than the far too frequent appearance of gratuitous nudity in Game of Thrones episodes is the fact that a new season of it will break piracy record, and the season 4 debut did not disappoint. 300,000 simultaneous downloaders at its peak (not to mention the million downloads that took place in less than half a day), up from 160,000 a season ago, is a feat almost as amazing as the building of The Wall.

Australia once again led all other countries in piracy, the nation with 0.3% of the world’s population managed to be responsible for 11.6% of all GoT downloads. You can thank our one and only greedy cable provider, and their exclusive airing deal with HBO, for this. The deal prevents all other digital platforms, including iTunes, from providing access to new episode until after the entire season has finished airing, some months away from now. Sacrificing availability for short term profits seems extremely, well, short sighted for me – it encourages a culture of piracy that will be harder and harder to break. I just hope HBO got enough money out of it to make up for all the money they just lost on preventing people from buying season passes on iTunes.

And also expect this record to be broken again for the season finale.


MegaUpload Logo

It’s been a while since I’ve had to use the Megaupload logo, but it’s not everyday the MPAA/RIAA sues a dead website

Either they’re really desperate, or its more of a “kick ’em while they’re down” situation, depending on who you believe. The MPAA and RIAA have launched separate civil lawsuits against the very much dead and buried Megaupload, claiming millions in damages.

If you believe the spin by Megaupload and Kim Dotcom’s legal people, then this is simply a reaction to the stalled criminal case against Mega. If you believe the pressers from the MPAA and RIAA, then it’s about recouping the billions and billions lost due to piracy on a massive scale yada yada yada.

We all know that the DoJ has been sharing data with the MPAA and others (legally, via a secret court order, but still a morally questionable act of using tax payer resources to benefit lobbyist buddies), so is this the MPAA/RIAA swooping in to save the DoJ’s troubled case against Megaupload? Most of these civil cases are about shutting down a site, but with Megaupload already down and out, so is getting some of that sweet, sweet (frozen) Megaupload treasure the MPAA/RIAA’s main objective?

I for one find it hard to believe that the MPAA/RIAA would go to all this trouble just for the money, and since it’s not about shutting down Megaupload, this all seems to be about a victory for victory’s sake (and I would think that, given Megaupload isn’t exactly in a position to put up a staunch defense, a win here is almost guaranteed). A win here would relieve the pressure on the DoJ to win their criminal case, so this would be my guess for the motivations behind these lawsuits.

Just friends helping each other out.

High Definition

Netflix has officially started streaming 4K, but many early adopters will miss out because their TVs do not support the HEVC/H.265 codec that Netflix will be using. Most TVs announced for release this year will support HEVC/H.265, but most sets purchased before won’t support the advanced codec. It’s part of the risk of being an early adopter, but this one kind of bites because of the short time span between 4K and HEVC adoption.

Samsung 4K TV

Some 4K early adopters will rue Netflix’s decision to use HEVC for the 4K streams, as older TVs do not support it

Of course, with Google throwing their VP9 codec into the hat for serious consideration as a 4K codec, the situation could get even messier. So for those thinking about 4K, it’s probably still not quite the right time to buy in yet, even if you have the cash. Best to wait until the codec situation is resolved, and also to ensure that the TV set you want to buy has HDMI 2.0.

Then there’s Blu-ray 4K discs (I’m not talking about those “mastered in 4K” discs, which are still very much 1080p), which possibly means new hardware requirements for the TV (although I think HEVC + VP9 + HDMI 2.0 is probably all that’s needed, other than the new Blu-ray 4K player you’ll need to buy).

For now, 4K content is limited to House of Cards and a few nature documentaries. A nice teaser of the potential of 4K, but that’s it really. Most new films will have a 4K master floating around somewhere, and so it’s not inconceivable that Netflix’s 4K library will start growing exponentially once studios start providing the content.

So wait another year before seriously considering buying a 4K TV, is my opinion. All the technical stuff will have become standardized, and the content situation will have dramatically improve too.

That’s it for the week. Stay safe out there on the interwebs, it’s getting scary out there!

Weekly News Roundup (6 April 2014)

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

Excitement and dread. That’s what I feel when I purchase a big ticket item. Maybe I should be a bit more excited, with a bit less dread, as I’m sure this will improve my sense of joy when buying stuff. But maybe feeling joy is the wrong emotion to feel in the already far too consumerism driven world that we live in.

Let’s zoom right into this week’s WNR.


Good news for those living in the UK. but still living in the ‘noughties’ – you’ll finally be able to rip CDs as CD ripping and other format shifting will become legal in the UK. But only if there’s no DRM protecting the content – in that case, it’s still very much illegal.

So basically, not much of a change unless you still buy CDs, and have always felt guilty about ripping them (so basically “nobody” on both accounts). Now you can rip it without feeling guilty. Isn’t copyright law reform great?

If you really really need to rip something that is protected, there is recourse for action – contact the Secretary of State! Seriously, look it up, that’s the only thing you can do if you want to format-shift something and excessive copyright is standing in your way.

I for one am looking forward to 2025, when we’ll finally get the right to convert DVDs to DivX.

Antigua Beach

Antigua: Not the copyright paradise first thought

But for now, you’ll be lucky to not don’t end up in an Antiguan jail if you happen to own a company that makes DVD or Blu-ray rippers. Because that’s where Slysoft’s owner Giancarla Bettini might end up following a legal decision against the company’s products. It won’t get that far, because fines will be paid and that will be that (not to mention the appeal), but for those that thought Antigua was a safe haven for all things copyright related, it might be time to think again.

Antigua’s anti-copyright stance comes from a dispute with the US over online gambling, a dispute that the island eventually won via a WTO ruling, which allowed Antigua to ignore US copyright claims as a way to recoup their losses. However, Antigua’s own copyright laws does have an anti-circumvention clause, which the AACS LA, the company responsible for managing Blu-ray’s copy protection scheme, managed to exploit to full advantage.

While normally a civil matter in other countries, Antiguan copyright laws made circumvention a criminal matter, with fines or jail time being the penalties.

The AACS LA has certainly been busy lately, going after both DVDFab and Slysoft, with the latter also named in the USTR’s Notorious Piracy Market list for this year. Is this a renewed attack on rippers, particularly Blu-ray ones? Time will tell.

High Definition

Amazon Fire TV

Is the Amazon Fire TV the device that is set to shake up the media streamer market? For $99, it has a really good chance to do just that!

The Kindle Fire, when first released, heralded the age of cheap branded tablets (cheap because they’re subsidized by content sellers like Amazon and Google). Amazon is trying their luck again with the Fire TV device, but this time for the streaming set-top box market. Taking on the likes of the Apple TV, Roku and to a lesser extent, the Chromecast, the Amazon Fire TV aims to bring not only streaming films to the lounge room, but also cheap games too – a $99 device that supports almost all of the streaming providers, plus offers apps from Amazon, and potentially thousands of games too (playability made easier with a $40 game controller add-on).

Interestingly, despite being competitors in the SVOD field, Netflix is a launch partner for the Fire TV (which, of course, supports Amazon’s Prime streaming service).

The big question is whether another streaming box is needed, since even if you discount the game consoles (which you shouldn’t), there are already plenty of streamers out there. In Amazon’s corner is the promise of a more open ecosystem (as the Fire TV is based on a fork of Android, albeit a very very heavily modified version of it), and easier searching via the built-in voice search feature. The quad-core, 2GB RAM powered device also promises to be a performance king, even if it only has a small 8GB storage (not really needed for streaming, but certainly for game and apps).

The Android nature of the device also means games will be plentiful for the system, although some games don’t necessarily translate well from phones/tablets to the TV screen (even with Amazon’s promised app that will allow you to control games via existing tablets).

It’s an interesting device, and for $99, it might be just worth playing around with.


Wii U

EA subsidiary adding insult to injury by mocking the Wii U during April Fools, forcing an official apology from the company

EA just can’t seem to get out of trouble with Nintendo. Last year, they shocked the gaming world by announcing they had no games in the works for the Wii U, only to come out a few days later to say they did. Their Frostbite engine works on all the popular gaming platforms, except for the Wii U, and so Nintendo fans have always felt that EA isn’t giving Nintendo the love the company deserves.

So the mean spirited April Fools tweets that came out of the Frostbite Twitter account probably didn’t help matters for all concerned, forcing EA to issue an apology. The tweets mocked the Wii U’s perceived underpowered status, and the fact that the Wii U does not support the Frostbite engine.

EA’s COO Peter Moore called those tweets ‘stupid’ and ‘unacceptable’, but I would also like to add ‘unfunny’ to the list.

On that note, let’s end this week’s WNR before I have to end up issuing an official apology on Twitter for writing something stupid, unacceptable and unfunny (the last one is a given though). See you next week.