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VSO Blu-ray to AVI Converter

VSO Blu-ray to AVI Converter allows you to convert Blu-ray movies to AVI in a few quick steps
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: (details)
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
License: Commercial, 39.99
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 26939 times


Download: vsoBlurayToAVI_setup.exe   vsoBlurayToAVI_setup.exe

Description:Download a trial version of VSO Blu-ray to AVI Converter

Download: Official Product Page   Official Product Page

Description:Visit the official product page for VSO Blu-ray to AVI Converter

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VSO Blu-ray to AVI Converter makes it easy to convert Blu-ray movies to AVI.

You can select which Blu-ray video segment, as well as subtitles, you wish to include in the conversion. The output can be in SD or HD.

VSO Blu-ray to AVI Converter also supports NVIDIA CUDA for accelerated conversion.

If you plan on converting Blu-ray to a lot of different formats and devices, you may want to consider VSO Blu-ray Ultimate Converter, which includes all the features of Blu-ray to AVI Converter, but also all the other Blu-ray converters available at VSO (Blu-ray to PS3, to DVD, to MKV, to AVI, and to Xbox 360).


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: Blu-ray
Output Files: AVI

OS Compatibility:

Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7

Revision History:

  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2022
  • Download(s):
    • 0013920: [Bug] Memory issue during conversion: fails with "running low on memory"
View complete revision history

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