Digital Digest -> Software -> MeGUI -> History & Old Downloads

MeGUI -> Version History

This is the version history page for MeGUI, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here.


Version 2896
  • Release Date: Dec 9, 2018
  • Download(s):
  • Features/Changes:
    [Worker] improved worker handling
    - for each job type the process and I/O priority can be defined
    - changing the priority in the progress window does change it only for the current job
    - rule sets can be specified based on which it is determined how many jobs of which type are allowed to run in parallel
    - settings to be found in the options window 
    [Main] some menu items have been moved/renamed:
    - "options\settings" to "options"
    - "options\update" to "tools\update"
    - "workers\worker summary" to "view\worker overview"
    [Settings] input filters are restricted to 8 bit by default (to be disabled in the options window)
    [OneClick] added support for VFR input files (requires mkv/mp4 output)
Version 2876
  • Release Date: Sep 15, 2018
  • Download(s):
  • Changelog 2836 --> 2876

    added high bit depth support (requires AVS+)
    therefore avs4x26x has been replaced by ffmpeg when using x26x
    [AviSynth] changed default value of "always use the included AviSynth" to enabled
    [Chapter Creator] - added option to use an automated counter for chapters (enabled by default)
    - added fps selector for the input does change the time codes if the input fps is not known (e.g. as with TXT/XML)
    - the output fps value is used during saving for all output types

    [HD Streams Extractor] added an option to select if the output prefix should be added (default: enabled)
    [OneClick] fixed tracks 2 to n-1 not properly selecting their input track stream (regression of 2808). bug #907
    [OneClick] fixed audio track processing for some file types if DG* indexer is used (e.g. VOB without IFO)

    Known Problems:
    - Windows Vista and older are not supported
    - Unicode is not supported
    - M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are unknown
Version 2836
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2018
  • Download(s):
  • Features/Changes:
    • [File Indexer] enabled "select audio tracks" for DGIndexIM/NV
    • [File Indexer] show DGIndexIM/NV only if enabled in the settings
    • [HD Streams Extractor] removed the custom "+ Options" column by default and added an option to show it

    • improved High DPI support
    • [Audio Encoder] x64: improved the downmix functions for 7.1/6.1 to 5.1

Version 2828
  • Release Date: Mar 11, 2018
  • Download(s):
  • Features/Changes:
    • added High DPI support
    • [Jobs] added option to pause/resume jobs 
    • [File Indexer] improved handling of Blu-ray playlists
    • [OneClick] added a profile option to set an output file suffix
    • [OneClick] fixed "-" button behaviour if only one track is available (regression of 2808)
    • [OneClick] fixed not updating the output folder path properly (regression of 2807)
    • [x264] added support for AVC level 6, 6.1 and 6.2 (requires x264 2851+)
    • [x264] added support for unified 8/10 bit binaries (requires x264 2901+)
    • [x265] added support for --tune grain
Version 2808
  • Release Date: Dec 30, 2017
  • Download(s):
  • Changelog 2774 --> 2808

    [AVS Script Creator] DirectShowSource/AVISource are disabled by default and have to be enabled in the MeGUI settings
    [File Indexer] added MPLS support
    [OneClick] added support for MKV attachments. If the MKV source does have such attachments, it will be copied to the target MKV. feature request #617
    [Xvid] added a workaround to be able to use Xvid in portable AviSynth mode
    [Update] added a first start-up question if the updater should be enabled or disabled (message will be shown also once to existing users)
    if disabled no downloads will be made without confirmation. therefore e.g. no information of new updates will be available.

    [AVS Script Creator] fixed DirectShowSource/AVISource not available if the portable AviSynth is used (regression of 2761). bug #896
    [AVS Script Creator] improved the file extension filters of the "video input" file open dialogue
    [Chapter] fixed non-ASCII handling (regression of 2753). bug #898
    [L-SMASH Indexer] improved detection of LSMASH/LWLibav (regression of 2767). bug #899
Version 2774
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2017
  • Download(s):
  • Changelog 2715 --> 2774


    all MediaInfo supported files and TXT/XML files can be used as chapter files. The muxers will use chapter information from the input video file if available.
    !!! existing jobs created by older MeGUI builds have to be recreated as otherwise the chapter information is not available !!!

    [HD Streams Extractor]
    added settings menu:
    - added settings to include the encoding and/or all demuxer "extract as" options. AAC encoding is only available if neroaacenc.exe is found in the eac3to directory.
    - moved the language track selection option from the global settings into the new menu
    - added option to select by default the (non-)HD tracks (defaults to non-HD)
    removed the DTSHD "extract as" option and added the DTS_CORE option

    removed the "Anamorph Output" option from the OneClick profile. Please use the anamorphic encoding options in the AviSynth profile instead.
    added aspect ratio selection to the OneClick profile

    if not at least AviSynth 2.6 is installed the portable build will be used

    added/improved aspect ratio writing (all muxers except the AVI muxer). Therefore the aspect ratio of the video track will be used if not forced by other tools (e.g. OneClick).


    [FFMS Indexer] 
    enabled AVI file handling

    [HD Streams Extractor] 
    added detection of "core/embedded" tracks and support for HEVC video tracks

    removed dtshd and dtsma file extension and added eac3, h265 and thd+ac3 file extension where suitable
    improved handling of audio tracks:
    - fixed demux of multiple audio tracks using the same input track (eac3to only)
    - fixed handling of TrueHD+AC3 tracks if using an intermediate MKV file
    - FLAC encodings use the HD track instead of the core if possible

    priority changes will also be applied to child processes

    Known Problems:
    - Windows XP and older is not supported
    - Unicode is not supported
    - non default DPI values are not supported
    - M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are unknown
Version 2715
  • Release Date: Apr 16, 2017
  • Download(s):
  • Features/Changes:
    [AudioEncoder]         default to LWLibavAudioSource()/LSMASHAudioSource()
    [AviSynth]             replaced Yadif by Yadifmod2
    [FileIndexer]          added title selector for DVD sources incl. multi-angle support
    [Update]               improved updater to download appropriate architecture packages (can be deselected in the options)
    [VobSubber]            The VobSubber has been enhanced
                           - to support demux of forced subtitles
                           - to select if the subtitles should be extracted to multiple files
                           - with improved speed as the source will only be indexed once for multiple tracks
                           - to detect DVD sources incl. multi-angle suppor
    [x265 Encoder]         x265 is now always enabled

    [AudioEncoder]         added downmix option to 5.1
    [FileIndexer]          added IFO as supported input file type
    [Haali Media Splitter] if the Haali Media Splitter is needed by the HD Streams Extractor it will be installed (administrative permissions are required)
    [HD Streams Extractor] Unknown or not supported tracks cannot be selected
    [OneClick]             added MPLS as supported input files
    [Title Selector]       improved DVD/Blu-ray support & added option to change the minimum title length also in the global settings
    [Various]              where appropriate for DVD/Blu-ray sources a prefix and suffix is attached to the output file name

    Known Problems:
    - Windows XP and older is not supported
    - Unicode is not supported
    - non default DPI values are not supported
    - M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are unknown
Version 2624
  • Release Date: Dec 6, 2015
  • Download(s):
  • Changelog 2525 --> 2624

    [Aften Encoder] The Aften AC-3 encoder has been removed. Please switch to FFmpeg AC-3.
    [DGAVCIndex Indexer] DGAVCIndexer has been removed. Please use another indexer.
    [DGIndexIM Indexer] DGIndexIM has been added. It is disabled by default and has to be enabled in the settings. 
    The new default indexer order is: DGIndexNV, DGIndexIM, DGIndex, L-SMASH, FFMS
    [Main] .NET 4.0 is now required for MeGUI
    [Main] The support for Windows XP has been dropped
    [x265 Encoder] Added n-pass support
    [Xvid Encoder] Added support for Xvid 1.3. An additional automated step is required as the output file must be prepared with FFmpeg.

    [FFMS Indexer] disabled AVI file handling as FFMS may cause jittery motion
    [HD Streams Extractor] + [MediaInfo] if a language cannot be detected or matched the default MeGUI language will be used
    [HD Streams Extractor] improved feature selection & handling of unsupported tracks
    [Main] added ~300 additional languages to select based upon ISO 639-2
    [Muxer] + [OneClick] improved language detection based on the file name
    [Profile] profiles will be saved to disk also when a profile is changed. 
    additionally "Load Defaults" resets now the selected profile (before it was the scratchpad one). 
    [Update] clean package directory during update

Version 2525
  • Release Date: Mar 30, 2015
  • Download(s):
  • Changelog 2507 --> 2525

    [Audio Encoder]        added custom command line support
    [Chapter Creator]      added option to sort the title list by chapter count
    [FDK-AAC Encoder]      added FDK-AAC encoder support
                           due to the FDK-AAC license the encoder will not be available in the online updater

    [Chapter Creator]      cosmetics
    [Chapter Creator]      improved error handling  
    [HD Streams Extractor] cosmetics
    [OneClick]             better support for Blu-ray playlist where eac3to and mediainfo report different track information
    [OneClick]             fixed removing the wrong subtitle track when using the DEL key
    [Update]               get update server configuration data from the update server itself
    [Update]               if an outdated package is enabled the update will be downloaded automatically (if auto update is not disabled)
    [VobSubber]            improved error handling
    [x265]                 adjusted command line for recent avs4x265
Version 2513 dev
  • Release Date: Dec 10, 2014
    • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

    • 2513
      [Update]               removed update server completly
      [Update]               increased update data refresh interval to 2 days for the development server
Version 2512 dev
  • Release Date: Oct 27, 2014
    • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

    • 2512 [OneClick]             better support for Blu-ray playlist where eac3to and mediainfo report different track information
    • 2511 [Chapter Creator]      improved error handling
    • 2510 [VobSubber]            improved error handling
    • 2509 [OneClick]             fixed removing the wrong subtitle track when using the DEL key
Version 2508 dev
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2014
    • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

    • [x265]  adjusted command line for recent avs4x265
Version 2507
  • Release Date: Jun 30, 2014
  • Download(s):
  • Changelog 2501 --> 2507

    [Update]               removed update server for the stable branch as it cannot be synced anymore
    [Update]               increased update data refresh interval to 10 days for the stable server

    [Adaptive Muxer]       fixed first subtitle unintended set to default. Bug #774
    [Audio Encoder]        fixed wrong channel count mismatch warning for AVS files. Bug #767
    [Chapter Creator]      improved multi angle Blu-Ray support
    [L-SMASH Indexer]      the cache file was sometimes not deleted
    [Update]               fixed freeze when adding new custom update servers. Bug #769
    [Update]               improved runtime copying process
Version 2507 dev
  • Release Date: Jun 29, 2014
    • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

    • 2507 [Chapter Creator]      improved multi angle Blu-Ray support
    • 2506 [Update]               improved runtime copying process
Version 2505 dev
  • Release Date: Jun 25, 2014
    • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

    • 2505 [Audio Encoder]        fixed wrong channel count mismatch warning for AVS files. Bug #767
    • 2504 [Adaptive Muxer]       fixed first subtitle unintended set to default. Bug #774
    • 2503 [L-SMASH Indexer]      the cache file was sometimes not deleted
Version 2502 dev
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2014
    • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"
    • 2502 [Update]               fixed freeze when adding new custom update servers. Bug #769
    • 2501
      [Update]               removed update server for the stable branch as it cannot be synced anymore
      [Update]               increased update data refresh interval to 10 days for the stable server
Version 2500 dev
  • Release Date: May 18, 2014
  • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

  • 2500 [x265]                 added custom command line
         [x265]                 added support for 64bit x265
         [x265]                 removed --no-ssim and --no-psnr as they are disabled by default
    2499 [Audio Encoder]        fixed TimeStretch support (regression of 2487)
         [Audio Encoder]        enhanced logging
         [Audio Encoder]        added 5.1 downmix if necessary (provided by tebasuna51)
    2498 [L-SMASH Indexer]      use the stream_index argument instead of track if using LWLibav*Source. Part II
    2497 [L-SMASH Indexer]      use the stream_index argument instead of track if using LWLibav*Source
Version 2496 dev
  • Release Date: May 12, 2014
  • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

  • 2496 [MainForm]          enabled Drag & Drop for folders
  • 2495 [x265]                 introduced fastdecode & zerolatency tunings
  • 2494 [x265]                 removed --timinginfo switch. frame rate information is handled automatically now.
Version 2493 dev
  • Release Date: Apr 10, 2014
  • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

  • 2493 [Update] fixed a crash in some situations if neroaacenc is enabled (regression of 2490)
Version 2492 dev
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2014
  • Get this update by downloading and installing the latest downloadable version available and then using the built-in updater to update to the latest version. This is a non stable build, so you'll need to go into MeGUI -> Options -> Settings -> Extra Config -> Auto Update -> and change the setting to "Use development update server"

  • 2492 [Update] fixed a crash on some systems without visual styles (regression of 2490)

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