Software Author/Publisher: Ordix Interactive

Author/Publisher: Ordix Interactive
Representative Name: Alvin Sebastian
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Title: Ordix Avi Joiner Ease of use: Beginners
Author/Publisher: Ordix Interactive Page Viewed: 19272
Latest Version: 1.0 License: Shareware
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.34, 3 votes)
The Ordix Avi Joiner is the next step in video fusion technology. Featuring optimized speed, lossless, seamless splicing and a brand new interface, it has never been easier to join your avi files into 1 single video file with no quality loss!

Updated: June 14, 2006
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Title: Ordix Avi Joiner Classic Ease of use: Beginners
Author/Publisher: Alvin Sebastian Hoo Page Viewed: 18276
Latest Version: 1.0 License: Shareware
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.07, 9 votes)
Avi Joiner Classic uses a highly optimized, fast and seamless AVI joining method to produce amazing lossless AVI, Divx, XivD files.

Updated: June 25, 2006
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