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Other DVD Type Backup Category: Other DVD Type Backup

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Title: Adding multiple titles/movies to 1 DVD using Nero Recode 2
Ease of use: Beginners Author: jmet Viewed: 73965 times
Editor's Pick  
This is a basic guide on how to add 2 or more titles (movies) to one DVD. Very useful if you are creating a DVD of multiple home video clips, taking a double sided DVD and turning it into a single sided DVD, or simply putting more than 1 movie on a DVD.

Updated: February 16, 2006
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Title: Guide for Converting DVD10 (double sided) to DVD-R
Ease of use: Not Rated Author: Jim Mangafas Viewed: 14681 times
A quick guide on backing up DVD-10 (singled layered double sided) "flipper" DVDs.

Updated: October 9, 2003
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Title: How to convert PAL DVD’s to NTSC and vice versa
Ease of use: Not Rated Author: Fluke Viewed: 811834 times
A guide on how to convert DVDs from PAL to NTSC and vice versa

Updated: November 6, 2006
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