Software Author/Publisher: BeginWithSoftware

Author/Publisher: BeginWithSoftware
Representative Name: Aleksandr Ignatov
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Company Address: Aleksandr Ignatov post box 9504 Omsk 644041 Russia

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Cam Video Tool 4 DVD Flick
Title: Cam Video Tool 4 DVD Flick Ease of use: Beginners
Author/Publisher: Aleksandr Ignatov Page Viewed: 21958
Latest Version: 1.1 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 2.83, 6 votes)
This small GUI program launch multiple video files conversion to M2V video stream with forced interlaced MPEG-2 encoding support for using with DVD Flick free software

Updated: October 4, 2007
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Join VOB Files Tool Window
Title: Join VOB Files Tool Ease of use: Intermediate
Author/Publisher: Aleksandr Ignatov Page Viewed: 44544
Latest Version: 1.0 License: Open Source
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.71, 26 votes)
Join VOB Files Tool is a free, open-source software to join, multiplex, merge, combine VOB files from DVD structure to use joined files in next encoding, conversion, demultiplexing, audio ,video streams extracting.

Updated: August 2, 2007
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