Software Author/Publisher: InterWorld Automatisering BV

Author/Publisher: InterWorld Automatisering BV
Representative Name: Rik Halfmouw
Company Website URL:
Company Address: Walcherenstraat 52 6922 DE Duiven The Netherlands

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Recording schedule
Title: WebShifter Ease of use: Intermediate
Author/Publisher: Rik Halfmouw Page Viewed: 11203
Latest Version: 2007.0215 License: Shareware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista
WebShifter is a web based and WAP enabled scheduler for analog, digital and satellite TV recording with an EPG and filemanager. It allows you to manage TV recordings using a web browser on any PC or mobile device, at home or anywhere in the world.

Updated: February 19, 2007
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