Software Author/Publisher: ArcSoft, Inc.

Author/Publisher: ArcSoft, Inc.
Representative Name: Ricky
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Title: ArcSoft MediaConverter Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Ricky Huang Page Viewed: 15267
Latest Version: 8 License: Commercial
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 2.75, 4 votes)
ArcSoft MediaConverter is a simple way to convert pretty much any video or audio file to fit a huge variety of digital devices. Every profile can be set to high quality or normal, depending on how much space you want your converted files to take up.

Updated: November 1, 2012
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Title: ArcSoft ShowBiz Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Ricky Huang Page Viewed: 14973
Latest Version: License: Commercial
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
ShowBiz 5 imports files from the built-in media library, or directly from external devices, enhance photos, videos, and audio files before making the movie and offers both Storyboard and Timeline modes for users of all levels.

Updated: January 11, 2012
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3D Playback
Title: Arcsoft Totalmedia Theatre Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Arcsoft Page Viewed: 58698
Latest Version: 6.7.1 License: Commercial
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.18, 17 votes)
ArcSoft TotalMedia™ Theatre — Enhance your movie watching experience with tons of cool features and options that you just can't get from a standard DVD player.

Updated: June 7, 2014
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