Software Author/Publisher: Itai Amir

Author/Publisher: Itai Amir
Representative Name: Itai Amir
Company Website URL:
Company Address: Klainman 13 Jerusalem Israel

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Title: MyFilms Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Itai Amir Page Viewed: 16425
Latest Version: 5.5 License: Shareware
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.25, 6 votes)
MyFilms is your perfect companion for working with downloaded movies.Easily retrieve movie information with ONE CLICK.Quickly decide which movie to watch according to rating or genre (type).Play the movie include subtitles if needed.

Updated: January 15, 2011
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