Posted by: Sean F, 13:00 AEDT, Thu February 3, 2011 |
Microsoft tries to solve the problem of watching H.264 HTML5 videos on Chrome, by offering a free extension that brings H.264 back to the browser for Windows 7 users ... More |
Posted by: Sean F, 13:54 AEDT, Thu January 13, 2011 |
The HTML5 war is heating up, with Google announcing they're no longer supporting H.264 ... More |
Posted by: Jonathan M, 02:13 AEDT, Sat January 1, 2011 |
Windows 7 Codecs is a codec pack for Microsofts new operating system Windows 7, similar to Vista Codec Package for Windows Vista ... More |
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:46 AEDT, Tue December 28, 2010
Logitech has responded to rumors that it had been asked to halt production of the Logitech Revue saying Google never made such a request
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:31 AEDT, Tue December 28, 2010
Apple said last week that it fulfilled its prediction of selling one million Apple TV devices before Christmas
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:19 AEDT, Tue December 28, 2010
Hackers have discovered how to tweak the BIOS into thinking a Radeon 6950 is actually its older brother the 6970 which cost more and
posted by: Jonathan M, 05:52 AEDT, Tue December 21, 2010
Best Buy has announced that it will stop charging its customers restocking fees for returned items
posted by: Jonathan M, 05:44 AEDT, Tue December 21, 2010
Thanks to the new Stage Video feature, Adobe is now claiming that the latest version (beta) is 10 times more efficient
posted by: Jonathan M, 16:50 AEDT, Sun December 19, 2010
Panasonic has unveiled a new Viera television, the G3, that allows users to record to removable media such as a SD card or
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:53 AEDT, Tue December 14, 2010
The Boxee Box has just received another firmware update that brings with it a large number of bug fixes and improvements to streaming
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:35 AEDT, Tue December 14, 2010
MMC has announced the launch of its latest digital property, TVLine.com The new which will focus on consumer TV news
posted by: Jonathan M, 01:15 AEDT, Sun December 12, 2010
DivX just announced the release of DivX HiQ, a technology that allows DivX to replace the standard Flash web video player by using the built in
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:50 AEDT, Fri December 10, 2010
The VGA port, the connection that's bridged computers to their monitors almost from the birth of the PC industry, will die in 2015
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:41 AEDT, Wed December 8, 2010
The motion picture association of America has decided to give universities an ultimatum, either stop students committing piracy or
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:46 AEDT, Tue December 7, 2010
OnLive and Vizio have started a partnership to offer up a subscription-based movie streaming service next year
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:33 AEDT, Tue December 7, 2010
Samsung has just announced a unique flip phone, the W899, that sports two 3.3 inch Super AMOLED touchscreens
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:40 AEDT, Tue December 7, 2010
Apple proudly announced today that the Mac is getting its very own app store on December 13th full of software for everyone
posted by: Jonathan M, 06:04 AEDT, Sun December 5, 2010
Google has acquired Widevine, a company that provides DRM tools, so they can deliver content both online and on TVs
posted by: Jonathan M, 05:38 AEDT, Sun December 5, 2010
Congress has passed a new act that will force commercial makers to regulate the volume of their commercials to match whatever consumers
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:24 AEDT, Fri December 3, 2010
Adobe has released Flash Player 10.2 beta, which primarily focuses on improving video playback performance by using less memory and
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:09 AEDT, Wed December 1, 2010
France is getting its own stereoscopic 3D porn channel with over 60 adult video specially made for just this channel and
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:01 AEDT, Wed December 1, 2010
Hef and the crew are offering a 250GB hard drive with over 650 issues of Playboy magazine this holiday season for
posted by: Jonathan M, 04:32 AEDT, Sun November 28, 2010
Boxee has released its first firmware update for the Boxee Box that includes over 50 bug fixes and a whole slew of improvements
posted by: Jonathan M, 04:14 AEDT, Sun November 28, 2010
Now when searching for Movies on Bing, you get results based on your current location, show times, and
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:40 AEDT, Thu November 25, 2010
In an effort to catch up with Apple & Blackberry, Dish has released a Android remote app to help promote its TV Everywhere service
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:08 AEDT, Thu November 25, 2010
Western Digital on Tuesday announced it has added new online services to its lineup of WD TV media players allowing them to rent or buy new movies
posted by: Jonathan M, 14:47 AEDT, Tue November 23, 2010
TiVo this morning unveiled a new iPad remote control app for its Premiere DVR set-top boxes
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:25 AEDT, Wed November 17, 2010
Samsung looks to be the second TV maker to make a Google integrated TV which would be powered by a Intel processor
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:47 AEDT, Wed November 17, 2010
Panasonic announced today it will start selling Android-powered smartphones in Japan and then move to other markets
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:15 AEDT, Tue November 16, 2010
Comcast started off this week be launching Xfinity TV, a free app that allows the iPad and iPhone to function as a
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:01 AEDT, Tue November 16, 2010
TiVo has is now offering its Premiere DVR set-top for free with a two-year contract at $20 bucks a month
posted by: Jonathan M, 09:47 AEDT, Sat November 13, 2010
The big 4 television networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox, have now banned Google from viewing free episodes of TV shows on their website
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:03 AEDT, Thu November 11, 2010
Sling Media announced today that its popular SlingPlayer Mobile software is now available for Windows Phone 7 devices allowing streaming over Wifi or
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:48 AEDT, Thu November 11, 2010
Audiovox showed off what it calls the first automotive Blu-ray player made to mount under the seat or
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:00 AEDT, Tue November 9, 2010
Toshiba has just introduced its first Android smartphone, carrying the Regza logo on the screen usually used exclusively for
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:34 AEDT, Tue November 9, 2010
Gucci and Calvin Klein have already come out with designer 3-D glasses and now eyewear and apparel maker Oakley Inc. is joining in
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:47 AEDT, Sat November 6, 2010
Ever since Google announced the "WebM" video format, they have been slowly transcoding the entire YouTube library and they are getting close
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:17 AEDT, Thu November 4, 2010
YouTube was banned a second time in Turkey after being banned for 30 months due to offensive material
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:08 AEDT, Thu November 4, 2010
The movie industry is always on the lookout for new ways to catch pirates and their latest attempt uses "emotion-detecting" cameras to
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:20 AEDT, Tue November 2, 2010
Netflix announced today that its windows phone 7 app is now available in the marketplace and its free
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:41 AEDT, Tue November 2, 2010
The developers of Videolan have sent Apple a formal notification of copyright infringement regarding VLC in the iTunes App Store
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:06 AEDT, Sat October 30, 2010
Redbox announces that they will start a Redbox branded video streaming service sometime in 2011 with
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:44 AEDT, Sat October 30, 2010
Roku has just announced that PlayOn-compatible channels have been removed and can no longer
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:36 AEDT, Sat October 30, 2010
Adobe has added support for HTML5 H.264-encoded video to its Photoshop.com photo and video sharing site and adds
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:11 AEDT, Fri October 29, 2010
Sony has dropped strong hints of a PSP on crack or a PlayStation cell phone, which would put itself in direct competition with Apple
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:49 AEDT, Fri October 29, 2010
This year Warner is charging under $5 per exchange and is allowing you to trade in all of your used DVD's not just Warner Brother films
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:01 AEDT, Fri October 29, 2010
Spotify, a streaming music service, is close to making deals with all four major US record labels on getting music rights it would need
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:15 AEDT, Wed October 27, 2010
The New York District Court, at the request of the RIAA, has forced Limewire to shut down its network and cease distributing its software
posted by: Jonathan M, 09:52 AEDT, Tue October 26, 2010
Samsung has just announced that they will be unveiling “a new Android device" to its current lineup on November 8th
posted by: Jonathan M, 09:01 AEDT, Mon October 25, 2010
Black Friday is a term for the Friday after Thanksgiving which is pretty much the biggest shopping day of the entire year and unbelievable money saving deals come out
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:03 AEDT, Fri October 22, 2010
People looking to jailbreak their new Apple TV can now do so with GreenpisOn and a new command line tool called PwnageTool
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:45 AEDT, Tue October 19, 2010
Right now Best Buy is offering a pretty sweet online only deal that when you buy any TV priced $899 and up, you get a HDTV for free
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:47 AEDT, Wed October 13, 2010
Just in time for early Christmas shoppers, Wal-Mart will start selling all models of the iPad this Friday
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:26 AEDT, Sat October 9, 2010
The Logitech Revue, which works with Google TV, will not give users access to over-the-air TV broadcasts and it also being blocked by a popular streaming service
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:48 AEDT, Fri October 8, 2010
During a Best Buy tech preview, it was revealed that the 46-inch GT1 will have a price tag of $1,900, edge-lit LED, and a USB adapter for Wi-Fi
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:27 AEDT, Fri October 8, 2010
Sony has created a camera sensor for cell phones that capable of producing high resolution images with 16,385,000 pixels
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:41 AEDT, Wed October 6, 2010
In a rather unexpected move it seems Nvidia has struck a deal with Best Buy to begin selling certain GeForce models that are built and supported directly by
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:49 AEDT, Tue October 5, 2010
Google give a quick update on their soon to be released Google TV noting that companies are more than inquisitive about becoming content providers
posted by: Jonathan M, 06:16 AEDT, Mon October 4, 2010
Best Buy CEO, Brian Dunn, told Wall Street Journal that customers will see smokin hot deals this year on Black Friday
posted by: Jonathan M, 05:47 AEDT, Mon October 4, 2010
Verizon is starting a new trade in program that allows you to trade in any wireless device for credit towards any
posted by: Jonathan M, 05:30 AEDT, Mon October 4, 2010
With a much needed app update to the Zune HD, Live Messenger is now available giving users the ability to stay current on the most popular social networking sites
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:07 AEST, Thu September 30, 2010
Best Buy Mobile announced a new program will it will be offering free high end cell phones each Friday in October starting this Friday (10/1)
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:28 AEST, Wed September 29, 2010
The remote app that was first made for the original iPhone undergoes an update that makes it compatible with the extra screen area of the iPad, Apple TV, and the
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:52 AEST, Tue September 28, 2010
At the end of the companies DevCon conference, the CEO announced the long rumored touchscreen 7" tablet that brings Flash 10.1 and
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:45 AEST, Sat September 25, 2010
Adobe's new Plenoptic technology contains a special lens for your camera that allows you to focus on anything you want, even after the photo
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:22 AEST, Sat September 25, 2010
Panasonic and Charlotte Motor Speedway have announced plans to have the largest HD video screen anywhere at 200 feet wide, 80 feet tall, and
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:40 AEST, Fri September 24, 2010
Nearly 25 years after they opened its doors, Blockbuster has thrown in the towel and filed for bankruptcy protection and is closing
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:57 AEST, Thu September 23, 2010
Michael Dell confirmed today that the company is in fact working on a 7" tablet that would run on the Android operating system
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:30 AEST, Tue September 21, 2010
TiVo on Monday made the Pandora app available on its Internet-connected set-top Premiere DVR
posted by: Jonathan M, 08:58 AEST, Tue September 21, 2010
VLC for the iPad has been approved and is now available for download from the App Store
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:32 AEST, Sat September 18, 2010
Google has announced it has given Gmail's video chat a small make over by adding some image enhancements to the service and increased the
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:50 AEST, Sat September 18, 2010
Warner Bros. has decided not to participate in Apple's 99 cent iTunes TV rentals because of price and how it may affect
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:35 AEST, Thu September 16, 2010
PlayOn is a program that runs on your PC giving you access to a wide range of Internet content on your TV such as Hulu, Netflix, and
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:48 AEST, Wed September 8, 2010
Google has been feverishly working with other hardware and software to finalize its new TV service so it can be out by the fall of 2010
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:55 AEST, Tue August 31, 2010
AMD has decided to retire the ATI brand name for its graphics products due to the its plans to make room for its new line “Fusionâ€
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:27 AEST, Tue August 31, 2010
Google is rumored to start a streaming movie rental service with a wide selection of newly released movies to compliment its Google TV
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:04 AEST, Tue August 24, 2010
Droid-life.com has found a way for non-rooted Android phones to run Adobe's Flash 10.1
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:29 AEST, Wed August 18, 2010
Panasonic announced on Tuesday it has now allowed owners of Viera plasma TVs to post Twitter messages using
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:11 AEST, Wed August 18, 2010
Microsoft has finally removed the cover and spilled the beans about how closely integrated the OS is with the XBOX Live service and a selection of games
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:05 AEST, Tue August 17, 2010
Panasonic debuted two new 1080p HD 3D sets designed to bring 3D HD sets to more people, at a lower price point with a slightly smaller
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:52 AEST, Tue August 17, 2010
Verizon has finished its 1Gbps trial on its fiber-optic FiOS network, which fast enough to support 3D HD streaming
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:49 AEST, Fri August 13, 2010
Philips has announced that it will be offering TVs with wireless internet capabilities so users can access Skype, email, and
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:03 AEST, Fri August 13, 2010
Verizon has announced its FiOS1 channel will exclusively carry the first 3D NFL football game
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:53 AEST, Fri August 13, 2010
Rumor has it that Apple is planning on changing the name of the Apple TV back to iTV which will still only support a mediocre 720p
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:24 AEST, Thu August 12, 2010
There are major rumors going around that Sony Erricson is working on integrating a slide out game pad on future generations of Android based
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:28 AEST, Tue August 10, 2010
The U-Verse Mobile app that lets you set your DVR and download TV shows to watch is officially available for the iPhone and
posted by: Jonathan M, 22:47 AEST, Sat August 7, 2010
Cablevision is developing a video application that will allow Live TV and VOD to be streamed to subscribers to view on broadband-connected devices such as the iPad and smartphones
posted by: Jonathan M, 22:09 AEST, Sat August 7, 2010
Rumors that Netflix is hiring Android developers looks to be true as a Watch Instantly app is coming soon
posted by: Jonathan M, 21:48 AEST, Sat August 7, 2010
It appears that Apple is toying around with "Try Before You Buy" apps in the Apple App Store by offering a "paid version" & a "Lite" version
posted by: Jonathan M, 13:16 AEST, Thu August 5, 2010
Sony is rumored to launch a new smartphone by the end of the year that will incorporate its glasses-free 3D display technology
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:48 AEST, Wed August 4, 2010
Motorola's is supposed to come out with a 10" Android based tablet that could have an unusual TV feature to sidetrack potential iPad buyers
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:05 AEST, Tue August 3, 2010
For anyone looking to dive into the world of 3D gaming head first, Digital Storm's 3D Vision Surround BlackOPS package is the place to start
posted by: Jonathan M, 09:57 AEST, Tue August 3, 2010
Specifically designed for high-end display devices such as TV and cellphones, Corning claims to have made a unbreakable protective cover for your screen
posted by: Jonathan M, 09:22 AEST, Tue August 3, 2010
The FREETALK Everyman Webcam gives a sharper, clearer and better defined picture than any other camera engineered to work with Skype
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:31 AEST, Wed July 28, 2010
Monsoon has introduced a suite of revolutionary TV place-shifting devices that allow you to watch and control live home TV from broadband Internet or
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:13 AEST, Tue July 27, 2010
The Mitsubishi 3D TV starter pack starting to ship from Amazon this past weekend for just under $400 and has already sold out
posted by: Jonathan M, 09:54 AEST, Tue July 27, 2010
The DMCA has been reviewed and new laws have been added that would make breaking the DRM on cell phones, games, e-books completely legal
posted by: Jonathan M, 11:17 AEST, Sun July 25, 2010
Walt Disney is supposedly making a deal to acquire Playdom Inc. for more than $500 million to get more involved in game play on social networks
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:25 AEST, Sun July 25, 2010
Dish Network has stopped selling its DTVPal DVR, after weeks of offering it at discounted prices
posted by: Jonathan M, 10:14 AEST, Sun July 25, 2010
YouTube has now started to test new code that will allow it to switch automatically between Flash and HTML5 depending on browser
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