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Main Category: FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

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Title: Free Software Guide
Ease of use: Beginners Author: DVDGuy Viewed: 220836 times
Editor's Pick   Essential Reading  
Read this guide and never have to purchase or pirate another software again - free software that will meet all your computing needs

Updated: June 6, 2007
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Title: The High Definition DVD FAQ (HTML Version)
Ease of use: Not Rated Author: Xiao Fang Viewed: 411586 times
Editor's Pick  
A list of frequently asked questions about the next generation high definition DVD formats (Blu-ray, HD DVD, EVD, FVD...)

Updated: February 20, 2008
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Title: FAQ: What exactly is on a DVD disc?
Ease of use: Beginners Author: jmet Viewed: 29480 times
Essential Reading  
Find out what exactly is on a DVD disc

Updated: December 15, 2005
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Title: The High Definition DVD FAQ (Text Version)
Ease of use: Not Rated Author: Xiao Fang Viewed: 204931 times
A list of frequently asked questions about the next generation high definition DVD formats (Blu-ray, HD DVD, EVD, FVD...)

Updated: February 20, 2008
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