Anne N (AnneN_DDigest)'s User Profile

AnneN_DDigest's Profile Picture User Status: Registered
Location: Melbourne, Australia


About Myself:

I'm Anne, and it's a pleasure to be able to write for Digital Digest, and I hope my articles are just as much of a pleasure to read.


Anne N (AnneN_DDigest)'s Most Popular News Submissions (out of last 50):
  1. Sony Movies Taken Off Netflix, Due To Contract Dispute
  2. Star Wars "May The 4th" Blu-ray Event, What's It All About?
  3. Nintendo Wii U Can't Play DVD and Blu-ray Movies
  4. Is DVD On The Way Out?
  5. Google Does Music in the Cloud, and Movie Rentals on YouTube and Android
Anne N (AnneN_DDigest)'s Most Recent News Submissions:
  1. UltraViolet Gets More Backers, May Lose One
  2. Digital Streaming Up, While Packaged Media Revenue Declines
  3. FilmOn's Alki David Sues CBS, CNET (Again) For Profiting From Copyright Infringement
  4. Despite Recession, Piracy, Copyright Industries Still Flourishing
  5. Steve Jobs: Android is a "stolen product", "I'm going to destroy Android"

H.264 Zone: H.264 news, articles and downloads

High Definition DVD Zone: Blu-ray/HD DVD news, articles and downloads

Gaming Zone: Gaming related video news, articles and downloads

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