Software Author/Publisher: Bolide Software

Author/Publisher: Bolide Software
Representative Name: Max Smirnoff
Company Website URL:

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Screenshot Capture Tool
Title: All My Movies Ease of use: Beginners
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 82737
Latest Version: 8.9 Build 1465 License: Shareware
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista Windows 7
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 4.70, 104 votes)
A software to manage your movie collection. With IMDB support and the ability to capture stills from your movie file.

Updated: January 26, 2020
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Title: Bolide Movie Creator Ease of use: Beginners
Author/Publisher: Bolide Software Page Viewed: 5847
Latest Version: 1.4 License: Commercial
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8
With Bolide Movie Creator you can make your own HD movies and save them as AVI, MKV, FLV, WMV or MP4 files in up to FullHD resolution. The video editing process is easy wit our program and doesn't require any special knowledge. Give it a try today!

Updated: October 11, 2013
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main window screenshot
Title: Bolide Slideshow Creator Ease of use: Beginners
Author/Publisher: Bolide Software Page Viewed: 17056
Latest Version: 2.2 Build 2003 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.00, 6 votes)
Create MKV/AVI/WMV slide show with ease

Updated: December 9, 2013
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