Menu Viewer


This shows all the key elements of the Menu Viewer.

·         Click on the button’s command to edit it with the Command Editor.  Note:  If the command is questionable (for example, a set command with no link or a NOP), it will be highlighted in yellow and a message will appear, which you should read.

·         Either click on Jump to Target or middle click on the menu button to jump to where the command is pointing (highlighted in light blue when you select a button) – in this case PGCN 19.

·         If the PGC has more than one program, you can click on the program selector/info bar at the top of the display to go to other programs.  You may also use the < and > buttons to the left of the selector bar (available only when there are several cells in the PGC) to display the previous or next cell.

·         The clipboard menu allows you to copy and paste the command associated with the selected button.

Also accessible from the clipboard menu are the Paste and Increment functions:

There are times when you want to populate a chain of button commands in a sequence (e.g. the first button is Link PGN 1, button 5, the next is Link PGN 2, button 6, etc). Paste and Increment allows you to do this.  Enter the commands for the first 2 buttons (which establishes the sequence).  Copy the command for the first button to the clipboard and click on the second button.  Now call Initialise Paste and Increment.  If all is OK, PgcEdit will automatically select the next button. Now call Paste and Increment to insert the next command in the sequence automatically.  Do this as many times as you wish.

A special case of Paste and Increment is Paste and Increment JumpVTS_PTT which automatically augments JumpVTS_PTT commands by a chapter at a time.  Simply copy the first command in to the relevant button and call Paste and Increment JumpVTS_PTT (no initialisation required).

Please consult the Paste and Increment Help for full information on how to use Paste and Increment.

·         The Image buttons enable you to go through motion menus (the l< button will return you to the first I-frame which has buttons).  Right click on the < or > to go through motion menus rapidly.

·         Use the cursor “arrow” keys (←  →  ↑  ↓) on your keyboard to emulate the navigation buttons on your remote (use Ctrl + cursor keys to move to buttons adjacent to auto-activated buttons, which, on playback, will execute their command automatically and not allow you to move from them).  It is important to check if the buttons are correctly linked together, especially if you have deleted, hidden or created a button; or manually modified the adjacent links.  Otherwise, some buttons might be inaccessible when using the remote on a real standalone player.

You may also use Ctrl + n to move to the next highest button number and Ctrl + p to move to the next lowest button number. In this way, you can easily cycle through the buttons using the keyboard.