Some cheap Blu-ray/HD DVD movies – April 2008

Been meaning to write something about a few deals going on at the moment, from all around the world.

Let’s start with the Blu-ray stuff. As you may already know, is having a Buy Two Get One free sale (or 3 for the price of 2). Some good titles in the line up, including the 5-disc edition (3 of the discs are BDs, the other two are DVDs) of Blade Runner.

Deep Discount are having a 59% off Anchor Bay Blu-ray titles sale. Dawn/Day of the Dead, Halloween are all included as part of the same.

The UK based is having a 3 titles for £27 sale. Update: They are now also having a 2 for £10 sale for HD DVDs. However, some users report that they’ve had problems with in the past with delayed shipment and cancellation refund problems, so use them at your own risk.

Here in Australia, is having a huge 3 for the price of 2 sale, probably the largest in Australia so far.

Now onto HD DVD …

All the previously mentioned sales are still going on at Amazon (up to 57% off and Paramount’s up to 60% off sales). There are also selected titles discounted even further, so it’s work going there and searching the site for the titles you want. Many are so heavily discounted, that buying the combo version (which had the DVD version on one side that works in any DVD player) works out cheaper than buying the DVD only version, so people looking for cheap DVDs can also have a look. Going through the HD DVD top sellers list is a good way to spot these cheap titles that are not part of any sales.

Over at Amazon UK, some selected titles are also being discounted this way. Examples include Atonement, Elizabeth: The Golden Age and American Gangster. Again, going through their HD DVD top sellers list is usually a good way to spot the bargains. The Buy One Get One Free sale is still going on as well (although the selected cheaper titles are actually cheaper than the BOGOF titles after discounting). Those in the UK can also enjoy’s 2 for £12 sale. Their 2 for £15 sale also features a couple of HD DVD titles too.

Back in Australia, a bunch of sales are still going on, but mostly the same titles are before (one site had Beowulf HD DVD, previously thought to be discontinued, and sold all 900+ stock in one day). EzyDVD, DVD Crave (fast becoming a favourite of mine) and Hi-Def Oz all still have some selected titles for sale at very low prices (mostly the same ones though).

So there you have it. Lots of HD goodness for not much money (well not as much as paying full price for them anyway).


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